Top 34K on Amazon!

Teenage Degenerate broke into the top 35,000 books on Amazon!

Teenage Degenerate broke into the top 35,000 books on Amazon! The number was actually 34,519 out of over two million books available. That is the top 2% on Amazon.

It also is Number One in the Best Sellers in Teen & Young Adult Personal Health eBooks category! It is beating out New York Times Best Sellers like Tweak: Growing Up on Methamphetamines.

It is a pretty amazing feeling! Thank you!! Next milestone is 25,000!

Teenage Degenerate broke into the top 35,000 books on Amazon!

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Author: S. C. Sterling

Scott is originally from Portland, OR and moved to Denver, CO at the age of thirteen. He is the author of Teenage Degenerate and 33 Percent Rockstar. His writing is strongly influenced by music, sports and pop-culture.