20 Audiobooks Sold

has sold 20 units on Audible.com, iTunes and Amazon!

The audiobook has just sold the twentieth unit on Audible.com, iTunes and Amazon! This is a huge accomplish for me and the book because I wasn’t sure if I would sell five copies. A huge thanks to anyone who has purchased it and I hope it was a good listen. Thanks so much!!

Please click the following link to purchase or listen to a sample chapter of Teenage Degenerate: A Memoir That Explores the Depths of Methamphetamine and Drug Addiction.

has sold 20 units on Audible.com, iTunes and Amazon!

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Author: S. C. Sterling

Scott is originally from Portland, OR and moved to Denver, CO at the age of thirteen. He is the author of Teenage Degenerate and 33 Percent Rockstar. His writing is strongly influenced by music, sports and pop-culture.